Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2nd, 2009

I am an unapologetic gear head . . . I love gadgets. Perhaps its from watching too much James Bond when I was a kid (yeah, right - like I still don't watch them!). Anyway, being a photographer and a gear head pretty much goes hand in hand. there's always something new out there to make you a better photographer - ok, not really - nothing can make you a better photographer, but yourself! BUT - there are certainly some great gadgets out there that are fun to play around with . . . and one of those things that shouldn't be taken for granted in our lenses! This is my workhorse lens - the Nikon 70-200mm VR 2.8. This is what I shot all the wolf pics with. It's an amazing lens for getting close up to the action - yet makes for a very intimate portrait lens. A very versatile piece of gear. I thought shooting it would be a lot of fun - and boy, was it . . . I experimented with gels over the flashes . . . different lighting positions . . . just a whole lot of fun! I've now got this image as my desktop wall paper!

Shot with the Sigma 70-300 at a 60th of a second at f/4. I used the SU800 Commander to control both the SB800 & SB900 flashes. ISO is down to 100.

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