Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15th, 2009

First up, Happy Anniversary to my wife, Heather . . . we celebrated last weekend with a trip to Savanna, but today's the official day of our marriage. Here's to many more decades of love and happiness!

So onto the image of the day . . . Savanna is full of history and it's cemeteries are no exception. This particular cemetery had a wall the back of it that was used for misplaced headstones. Stones dating back to the early 1800's were all over the place . . . it was a very serene location . . . quite . . . reflective.

This was shot with the 10-20 at a 40th of a second with an ISO of 400.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a sucker for a good gravestone shot. Really nice…
