Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13th, 2009

If you could have one super power, what would you choose? That's a question that I get asked at a lot of the comic book conventions I attend while promoting my own comic The Perfect Victim. And it's a very simple question for me to answer . . . the power of flight. Why . . . just take a look at today's image! Can you imagine having the ability to traverse the vast openness of the sky . . . the utter silence up there. Looking down to see how truly big the world we live on is? So let me pose that question to you . . . what super power would you like?

This image was captured on the D2x with a Sigma 10-20mm attached. Shot out the side window of our plane as we made our return trip home from Savanna. Shutter speed was 800th of a second with an f-stop of 11.

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