Woke up this morning, took a look out the window and knew I had to snag another form and color shot - this time a natural one . . . funny thing about light - The further away the light source, in this case the sun, the sharper the shadows and the harder the light . . . add some clouds and some low hanging fog and you've got the world's biggest soft box! The light is soft and the shadows are softer . . . providing perfect light! Leave it to a photographer to justify some bad weather!
Took this at my favorite local spot, Heater's Pond. The lillys are finally starting to bloom. Captured on a tripod with the 70-300mm Macro. 80th of a second at f5.6. ISO is 100.
very beautiful shot Paul! it's saturated with color and vibrance! (and it reminds me I need to go get my badges and parking permit for the pond!)