Curious subject for today's image of the day . . . let me explain. In looking at my skills as a photographer, I consider my weakest skill set to be shooting with artificial light - in other words, flash photography. I have a workshop scheduled with renown photographer Joe McNally later this month. Can't tell you how much I am looking forward to that!
I think my problem with flash is that I look at it like a tool - and not a creative one. I had a break through while reading one of McNally's books on the subject - Hot Shoe Diaries - and I think I am on the right track now. I used the cool Batman statue you see below for the simple reason that I didn't have anyone around to try out my new found 'flash philosophy' – that being, you don't have to use the flash to illuminate the entire scene! You can feather the light . . . have it spill just where you want it . . . almost paint with it . . .
I captured this shot with not one, but two flashes - an SB800 and a SB900 . . . one was a master flash, while the other was utilized as a remote. Shot at 250th of a second at f7.1 with an ISO of 100. The remote flash was doing most of the heavy lifting and off to camera right. The SB900 was acting as a trigger for the other flash and I had that dialed way back so it wouldn't overpower the other light . . . crazy stuff that I can already feel seeping into my creative process . . . expect more of the same soon! Perhaps with real models?!?! Any volunteers?? :-)
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