Sad to say, Dandelions were harmed in the making of today's image of the day! Can't believe how fast these things spout up! Just yesterday, I mowed a bunch of them down, but sure enough - there were several of these around this morning!
So I am reading a whole lot of photography books in
preparation for some workshops I am taking later this year. Not
technical manuals, mind you . . . more like photographic philosophy - or why we shoot what we shoot. One of the things I am trying to grasp is the concept of abstract photography - or trying to get my head around the fact that an image doesn't have to be sharp or
technically made to be a pleasing image. Hence the dandelion's reappearance in the Photo-a-Day challenge! What do you think? Is this a pleasing image?
Shot with a sigma 70-300mm Macro set up on a tripod in my studio. Lit with a SB900 off camera at 60
th of a second at f5.6. ISO is at 100.