Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9th, 2009

Here's the inaugural post to my brand new blog Paul Michael Kane's Photo-a-Day. This is a challenge issued to myself - I want to shoot one 'print worthy' image a day for the next year. At the end of the year, I may just collect the images into a book!

Every image you see on this site will be brand new - not from my existing body of work. Also, every image will be available as a print, if you have some empty wall space available - just email me for prices and sizes. I am also very interested in hearing what you think of the image . . . did I do good? What could I have done better? Feedback is welcome and encouraged!

So enough rambling - let's get to the first image.

This was shot with my Nikon D2x and a Sigma 70-300 macro lens. Used existing widow light and shot on a tripod. f/5.6 at half a second. ISO set to 100.


  1. I love the concept and you are off to a great start Paul...I bookmarked your site !


  2. We'll be watching!! The first one is a keeper! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  3. Nice work Paul! I am waiting for today's photo!
