Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23rd, 2010

One of my favorite quotes goes something like this - "Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others." It's what I want my photography to say about me as a creative professional. Someone passes this subject and sees a simple air conditioner . . . I see a pattern . . . a symmetry . . . I see a pleasing composition that I wish to share with others. Am I trying to convince you that it's something other than what you're seeing? No. It's an air conditioner - but I'd be failing at my task if I didn't try to make you see that simple air conditioner in a different light.

Captured with the Nikon 50mm prime wide open at f/1.8 at 1/400th of a second. ISO is down to 100.


  1. Wow Paul. This shot is gorgeous. Not only well seen, but beautifully composed. Love it!
    Really dug the rose series too.
    Keep inspiring!

  2. Thanks, Wayne . . . Very glad to hear you like the Rose series. That was a lot of fun!

